Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hi there!

Hi! I'm so glad you stopped by!

I started this blog to document my journey from "chubby mom" to "fit & fabulous". If all goes well, I will find my way back to something that remotely resembles my pre-baby body! (hey, a gal can dream, can't she?)

I used to be skinny. Ok, not JUST skinny, I was insanely tiny! Before I got pregnant with my first child, I weighed a whopping 87 lbs. Crazy, huh? I have no delusions of getting back THAT thin, but I do have a more reasonable goal of reaching 125 lbs and toning up some.

I had a rude awakening the other day that sparked my newfound determination to lose weight and get healthy. I was trying on jeans in the dressing room at the store, and the size I "thought" I was wouldn't even come up past my knees! So I grabbed the next size up, and I couldn't even come CLOSE to buttoning them! What the heck? When did I get so FAT? Needless to say, it was quite a shock to me. And it definitely snuck up on me! I couldn't believe it. And yes, I did break down and cry like a baby right there in the dressing room. I was so embarrassed and disgusted with myself.

So I made myself a promise: I would work very hard to get back into shape. Not just for me, but for my children as well. I've realized how often I tell them, "not right now honey, mommy is too tired" when they ask me to do thing with them. Well, NO MORE!

And that brings me to today. Day one of my new, healthier life. I hope I can keep up the motivation that dressing room mirror fired up in me!

So here goes. The ugly truth. I will post my stats, once a week, so I can keep track of my progress (and my failures too!). I am going to be BRUTALLY honest, because, after all, how else can I learn? Right?

Day One:

Weight: 155.5 lbs.
Waist: 39 inches.
Exercise done: does housework count? LOL.
Pounds left to lose: 30.5

I took a "before" photo, but I am too embarrassed to post it. I promise I will share it once I reach my goal, at least! I will be proud of myself then! Ha!

Until next time, thinking thin thoughts...


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